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What are the 5 C’s of Cyber Security?

18th March 2025

A question we are often asked is “why do I need cyber security?” We understand – when you’re being advised to spend a lot of money on something that you can’t actively see helping you, it is difficult to see the point in investing.

The 5 C’s of cyber security express why having a good cyber security solution in place may be vital to your business:

Compliance: your cyber security needs to meet the latest laws, regulations and standards. This ensures you will avoid penalties for not meeting these requirements – additionally, it reassures your customers that you can be trusted with their data, improving your reputation.

Cost: the price of defensive technologies (firewalls and endpoint protection, for example), employee training, threat detection, etc – it all adds up. However, the cost of NOT taking these measures is far greater than the price of putting them in place, with some cyber attacks have costing companies millions.

Coverage: this refers to protecting and insuring your systems against attack, which helps to mitigate against financial losses from data breaches or hacks. Unlike costs, these are more related to incident response, legal fees and business interruption.

Continuity: if a cyber incident should occur, what is your plan to maintain your business’ operations, during and after the event? Having a strategy around data backup, disaster recovery and incident response in case of a cyber security attack is essential. The better your plan, the less downtime and financial loss you suffer.

Change: technology is continuously changing and evolving, and cyber security threats and defences change with it. New risks emerge every day and you need a cyber security solution that can keep pace – otherwise you risk falling behind (and falling prey to cyber criminals).

If any of the 5 C’s are standing out to you as something you need to consider further, why not talk to Interfuture Security? Contact us HERE.

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